Production Facilities
For more than 66 years we have been trading world wide, discovering people, places, stories & culture that inspire us. We collect experience and memories under open skies.
Feelings that lead to realizations:
‘’Fabrics for life’’ offers access to an exclusive world of MENSUN. A world of experiences, inspirations and stories.
A very personal dimension of outdoor comfort. The MENSUN design is inspirated, and traditional craftsmanship expresses its energy afresh as it interacts with creative freedom. This is how we cultivate the power of the new and the feeling of uniqueness. Individual comfort without limits. Through the MENSUN Outdoor Collection, the sophisticated elegance and unrivaled comfort that distinguish the interior design products are expanded to include the outdoors seaside, garden or veranda. Thanks to an impassioned quest for the right materials, carefully selected to resist wear and for season weather conditions.